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    The word scoliosis means curvature of the spine. This often creates a bulge in the back. Scoliosis usually develops in childhood or adolescence and affects about 3 or 4 children per thousand. The cause is usually unknown, although conventional wisdom links it to genetics. There may also be a link with the deficiency of the mineral calcium, vitamins A and D and other nutrient deficiencies through childhood.

    Treatment needs to be in a specialist scoliosis centre. Corrective surgery is sometimes given, but it is not always appropriate or necessary.

    There is some research to suggest that diet and nutrient status may affect the development and progression of the disease. Some research has found that calcium intake during adolescence can influence the disease progression (1). Other research has focused on the importance of vitamin C, vitamin K, carnitine, coQ10, glucosamine, magnesium and silica (2).

    Always consult with your GP or medical doctor.


    1. Lee WT, Cheng JC, Cheung CS, Guo X. Inadequate calcium intake is a significant determinant on generalised osteopenia in Hong Kong Chinese adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis. Wei Sheng Yan Jiu 2003 Nov;32(6):568-72

    2. Mantle D, Wilkins RM, Preedy V. A novel therapeutic strategy for Ehlers-Danlos syndrome based on nutritional supplements. Med Hypotheses. 2005;64(2):279-83