Miracle Superfood Wild Blue Green Algae
The nutrient powerhouse that stimulates the immune system, boosts brain power and guards against disease.
The healing powers of wild blue-green algae are truly broad-spectrum: amoung the conditions they have alleviated are dermatitus, obesity, heavy metal poisoning, depression, congestion, Candida albicans overgrowth, hypoglycemia and anemia. Gillian McKeith, who has improved her client’s health – and her own – with algae treatment, explains the makeup of this superfood and how to use it to optimise health.
In addition to showing how to use the algae, Gillian McKeith provides recipes for algae diet and beauty aids.
our readers
“My wife and I read your health guide on “Miracle Superfood – Wild-Green Algae” and it has helped us enormously. We have been taking the algae for a number of years and it has improved our life.” – Bob